Warning: Use of undefined constant is_home - assumed 'is_home' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 151

Warning: Use of undefined constant posts_per_page - assumed 'posts_per_page' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 151

Warning: Use of undefined constant is_category - assumed 'is_category' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 152

Warning: Use of undefined constant posts_per_page - assumed 'posts_per_page' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 152

Warning: Use of undefined constant is_archive - assumed 'is_archive' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 153

Warning: Use of undefined constant posts_per_page - assumed 'posts_per_page' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 153

Warning: Use of undefined constant is_search - assumed 'is_search' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 154

Warning: Use of undefined constant posts_per_page - assumed 'posts_per_page' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 154

Warning: Use of undefined constant is_tag - assumed 'is_tag' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 155

Warning: Use of undefined constant posts_per_page - assumed 'posts_per_page' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 155

Warning: Use of undefined constant is_tag - assumed 'is_tag' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /u/r/rgreenwald/websites/www.russgreenwald.com/docroot/wp-content/plugins/different-posts-per-page/diff-posts-per-page.php on line 292
| Russ Greenwald

my⋅self /maɪˈsɛlf/

1. Type A personality, organized, and obsessive
2. (used reflexively in place of me as the object of a preposition or as the direct or indirect object of a verb): I dedicate myself to my passions and interests.
3. Informal. (used in place of I or me, esp. in compound subjects, objects, and complements): Problem solving and planning allows myself to focus.
4. (used in place of I or me after as, than, or but): He knows as much about the matter as myself.
5. my normal or customary self: After a few days of rest, I expect to be myself again.

Origin: 11/28/77; mom + dad; r. Upstate NY, OE mē selfum

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